Greetings fellow supporters of church/state separation.
I hope all is well with you and that you survived 4th of July festivities.
I wanted to remind you that the next meeting of our AU Chapter is set for this coming Wednesday, July 8th at 7 PM. We will meet in the same place and at the same time as our last meeting. Downtown Library, Will Rogers room at 7 PM.
The major goal of this meeting will be to confirm people who are willing to serve in elected positions in our Chapter. We came a long way on this at our last meeting, but we still need to firm things up in preparation for our annual meeting, which is fast approaching on 9-11-09. I spoke with Damion the other day and he said he would serve as treasurer. This is great news!
I have included the minutes of our last meeting for your review. Please look them over and bring questions or changes with you to the meeting.
I have also included the agenda for this upcoming meeting.
Hope to see you on the 8th.
Call to Order-Mike
Minutes for approval or correction-Mike
Brief report on checking account balance-Jim Huff
Review the organization chart: positions filled and vacancies-Mike
Preliminary plans for the annual meeting.-Mike
Next meeting date-Mike
CHAPTER BOARD MEETING Downtown Library Tuesday, June 9, 2009
7:00pm Will Rogers Room
Six participants in attendance.
Officers present : Mike Fuller, Jim Huff
Activists present : Jeanette Schreiber, James Nimmo, David Wrenn, Nick Singer,
►Call to order. Mike, President
Proposed agenda adopted with no additions.
►Financial Report. Jim H.
►Annual meeting update. Mike
Friday, September 11, 2009, “Ryan’s Buffet” 6500 SW 3rd OKC (off I-40 between Rockwell and Macarthur.
Agenda for the meeting will be developed including the election of four officers.
►The organizational chart of the Chapter was discussed. In addition to the 4 elected officers, there are 3 key committee chairs and approximately 8 network contacts needed. A total of approximately 15 persons are needed to fill organization charts key positions.
►Of the elected positions: *Janette has agreed to accept the role of president, *Mike has agreed to continue as vice president, secretary is vacant, *The nominees will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting for election to their offices.
►Jim Nimmo is willing to chair the Communications Committee.
David Wrenn has agreed to be the CONTACT PERSON for the Peace Festival and Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education.
Those willing to take a leadership role in the committees, projects, and networking structures will be nominated by the president and voted on by the elected officers.
►Jeanette and Nick will work on possible names for filling the various vacant positions and present the names at the July Chapter Board Meeting.
►Next meeting:
7:00p Wednesday, July 8th – Downtown Library.
8:00 Adjourned
Jim Huff