Saturday, January 25, 2014

Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act - Resources for Citizens

This post collates resources relevant to the Oklahoma version of the Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act, legislation originally formulated and passed in Texas.

The current versions of the bill may be found on the legislature's website: HB1456, SB1142. We will be tracking these throughout the legislative session. You can do so yourself by reading the history of the bill, which indicates which step in the legislative process they are currently on, for example, the house bill is currently in the rules committee.

Here are the talking points discussing why these bills are problematic, in a single page, from Americans United. Here are a few of my thoughts on the bill, on my blog at Skeptic Ink. Finally, for a scholarly long read packed with in-depth analysis, check out this article from the UC Davis Law Review.

Share and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. HB 2422, not yet assigned to a committee is another bill identical to HB 1458, I should be opposed strongly as should SB 1142 (same subject( abs SB1746m Se, Brecheen's "Oklahoma Science Education Act,' a continued attempt to get religion into science courses, despite bill's disclaimer to the contrary.


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